Apex Legends reverts “accidentally” released Horizon nerf

Raviprakash Rao

Raviprakash Rao

The spellbound event update in Apex Legends inadvertently ended up nerfing Horizon without mentioning it in the patch notes. We now know this nerf was unintentional but could show up in a future update, thanks to an Tweet from Josh Medina.

At this point, everyone knows about the Horizon nerf that sneakily shipped through the Spellbound Collection event update in Apex Legends. The update has turned out to be quite the case of Monday blues for Respawn, with multiple snafus causing all sorts of problems for the players in-game. For starters, the servers were down for a while after the update. Additionally, it looks like Respawn Entertainment "accidentally" shipped content meant for future updates as part of the Spellbound event.

The update also shipped an updated version of the R-301 content creator skin by LuluLuvely that included her name on it. Players didn't suspect this to be an unintentional move, considering the controversy around content creator skins.

Horizon's nerf may return after ALGS

The patch notes for the update didn't mention the Horizon nerf. However, the scale of the nerf was noticeable enough that the players caught on to it while playing. There was a lot of discussion around the nerf and whether or not it was intentional. Some players assumed the developers simply missed mentioning it in the patch notes. While some others questioned whether it was a bug. There were also some conspiracy theorists claiming this was meant for a bigger rework in a future update that got accidentally shipped. And it looks like these folks might just be right. Josh Medina, Sr. Producer at Respawn Entertainment implied in a tweet that this nerf was intended for a future update after ALGS.

Content creator skins reverted

Another unintentional slip-up from Respawn Entertainment was the content creator skins. There's been a lot of controversy around this. LuluLuvely, a popular Apex Legends streamer was vocal about how EA was treating its content creators and the skins they made in collaboration with Respawn Entertainment. The publisher was called out for refusing to credit the content creators for their skins in-game.

The Spellbound Update included a blurb crediting LuluLuvely on the R-301 skin inspired by her Content Creator profile.
The Spellbound Update included a blurb crediting LuluLuvely on the R-301 skin inspired by her Content Creator profile.

A lot of players seemed relieved to see that LuluLuvely's R-301 skin included a blurb in the menu that credited her. However, it turns out this was also unintentionally released as part of the Spellbound Update. According to Respawn Entertainment and Josh Medina, a future update will include such blurbs for all content creator-inspired skins.

It looks like Respawn accidentally shipped some future content through the Spellbound event. Horizon mains were quite unhappy with the nerf but she's quite popular in Apex Legends season 15. It looks like the nerf may arrive as part of a bigger rework in a future update after ALGS. Additionally, it's good to see that Respawn Entertainment is at least addressing the controversy around content creator skins. They didn't revert LuluLuvely's R-301 skin, which is a smart move considering the circumstances around these. The Spellbound Collection event has breathed some life into the game through an underwhelming Season 15 so far.