How long do Deadlock invites take?

Brandon Moore

Brandon Moore

An invite to Deadlock should not take too long, but if you’re curious about the exact timeframe, we’ve got you covered.

At the time of writing, the only way to play Deadlock is through an invitation from a friend who has access to the game. It is a simple process that we've walked you through in both written and video form. But how long exactly do Deadlock invites take to reach a player?

That is a question everyone seems to be wanting an answer for. As some get it immediately, others claim several days, and the game itself states that it might take a few. So, let's go over what we know about the topic.

How long does it take to get a Deadlock invite?

There's a handy section in Deadlock itself where players can send out invites. If you have access, you just need to click the button to invite your friends and then select anyone who does not have the game to bring them to the party.

That is really all it takes. Though sometimes, the invite does not arrive immediately. No one knows why, but you should just be patient and it will come at some point. Here's what Deadlock says regarding how long an invite takes:

"Invites are typically sent out within 1-2 days, but sometimes may take longer."

Just wait the assumed amount of time that Valve states it should take. If you don't have it by then, there might be a bug, glitch, or other issue.

What to do if the Deadlock invite doesn't work

If you are certain a friend has tried to invite you to Deadlock, but the invite did not go through, it is not the end of the world. There are a few things you can do:

  • Wait the suggested period and have another friend send you an invite after
  • Remove the friend, add them again, and have them send an invite again
  • Create a new Steam account, add your friend there, and get an invite

That's all that can be done, so if a dozen invites are sent to you and you can't get in for some reason, you're out of luck. Your best bet at that point is to wait until Deadlock is officially released and join in when it goes live.

Stay tuned to for more esports news and Deadlock coverage.